“10th November Ataturk Remembrance Event” was held in IAU. At the event, which held with active participation of students and academicians in Necdet Timur Auditorium; after the stand in silence and the turkish national anthem, IAU President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın and IAU Rector Prof Yadigar İzmirli made their opening speeches.
Then, under the conductorship of the teacher of IAU Faculty of Education Music Teaching PhD Erdal Şahin, music concert of choir that consisting of IAU Music Teaching Faculty students was held.
Afterwards, IAU Faculty of Science and Literature History Department Lecturer PhD Naim Babüroğlu made a comprehensive presentation about Ataturk.
The ceremony ended with presentation a plaque to Naim Babüroğlu by IAU President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın and IAU Rector Prof Yadigar İzmirli.