American University in the Emirates (AUE)
Mercy College (MC)
Eurasian Universities Union (EURAS)
Istanbul Aydın University has accomplished the establishment of Eurasian Universities Union with taking an important step in order to improve the elements of development, awareness, sharing, in social, cultural, and scientific activities within its geographical region. This attempt, its first step has been taken in end of 2008, and widely accepted by Asia and Europe country universities, had built its formal existence in beginning of 2011 after the process of grounding and preparation for 2 years.
Eurasia Higher Education Summit (EURIE)
EURIE is the new meeting point for international higher education, connecting other parts of the world with the great potential of the Eurasian region
Euro Mediterranean Partnership of Local and Regional Authorities (COPPEM)
COPPEM , the Standing Committee for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, is an international body which aims to promote collaboration between cities, municipalities, intermediate bodies and regions of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, in order to pursue the objectives of the Barcelona Declaration
Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED)
Istanbul Aydın University is a member of Mediterranean Universities Union ever since end of 2007. Union’s purpose is countries in Mediterranean basin to cooperate on education, instruction, research and project fields, participation to other international education cooperation projects and maintaining the joint sharing for enlightenment, and to create a joint information center.
International Association of University Presidents (IAUP)
IAUP is an association of university chief executives from higher education institutions around the World.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
The common aims and dreams of the folk, that represented by the governments that are gathered to establish United Nations, presents the of prolusion the Treaty.
Asia Pasific Franchise Confederation (APFC)
The Asia-Pasific Franchise Confederation (APFC) is an amicable, non-political association of National Franchise Associations around Asia Pacific region.
Romania Franchise Association
Romania Franchise Association has been established in Bucharest, 2006. Romania Franchise Association’s organizing events, hosting award ceremonies, has been an instrument in development and promotion of franchise market since the association’s establishment
Vienna Economic Forum (VEF)
It’s an association in which analyses the economic relationships of Eurasia and East European countries and organizes works on this subject.
Black Sea Franchise Federation (BSFF)
UFRAD Franchise Federation, with the intensive work carried out with other franchise federations in the region, provides significant contributions to the effective and correct implementation and spread of the Franchising system in our region, and therefore to the economy and employment of the region, with the cooperation created by the franchising associations in the Black Sea countries, close contact, knowledge and experience sharing.
European Franchise Federation (EFF)
The purpose of EFF, founded in 1972, to assemble European franchise foundations. EFF primarily provides franchising sector to work legal and within ethic rules. EFF has carried out the impacts of its works on franchising sector for long years and has given big support for World Franchise Council to be founded in 1980s as well. Today, half of the 35 countries, are bounded to WFC, are consisted of these franchising foundations in Europe. EFF central offices are in Brussels city of Belgium.
World Franchising Council (WFC)
World Franchising Council, is a nongovernmental foundation, assembles the franchising foundations all around the world. WFC’s purpose, is to follow developments and innovations in world franchising sector and give support and consultancy to its members. They help to investors to proceed on the right path providing insight about franchising. Providing investors to do the right choice in thousands of franchising opportunities within almost 80 countries with giving the required education and support, is one of the primary tasks of WFC.
International Trademark Association (INTA)
International Trademark Association, headquartered in Netherlands, is an association which especially cooperates with municipalities, works actively on topics such as sharing regional experiences, education of administrative staffs, educations on much different fields of relevant regions. Istanbul Aydın University is in close collaboration and a member and of INTA ever since 2007 October month.
International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
International Council of Voluntary Agencies, as an association which supports humanitarian activities, assembles human rights, charity, development non-governmental organizations.


AKEV – Anatolian Education and Culture Foundation
Anatolia Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV) was founded in 1995 by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, who believes that educated individuals are the biggest capital of a country, and a group of mostly academic businesspeople. Anatolian Education and Culture Foundation is a legal entity that aims to rise and develop the educational and cultural level of Turkish people to international standards, to implement projects that will cover large masses with the support of private and public institutions and organizations, and to realize these goals by investing primarily in education
Mustafa Aydın Foundation
UFRAD – Franchising Association
UFRAD, having established in 1991 in order to improve the franchising system in Turkey in a healthy and conscious way and to find its position in our legal system, continues its activities for the dissemination of the franchising system and the development of the country’s economy. UFRAD, being a member of the World Franchising Council, continues to increase its number of members each day with currently more than one hundred Turkish and foreign member companies.
Service Exporters Association (HİB)
HİB works on creating a service export strategy, identifying sectoral problems and offering solutions to these problems, and similar issues.
Green Homeland Platform
It is an organization that aims to contribute to social benefit by minimizing the damages caused by fires in our country.
Turkish Anti-Smoking Association (TSSD)
The Turkish Anti-Smoking Association, which has started its activities in 1999, protects children and young people against addictive substances, and continues its struggle until tobacco consumption is eliminated globally. TSSD, which is among the distinguished non-governmental organizations in the world in its field, is one of the first three non-governmental organizations that have embraced social events in the public opinion surveys conducted in the last seven years in our country.
Aydın Thinking Platform
Aydın Thinking Platform, founded on February 22, 2013, has been founded by Istanbul Aydın University in order to conduct research, gather information and analyze the collected information in the fields of democracy, politics, social life, economy, culture, technology and education that are on the Turkey’s agenda or that likely to be on the agenda.
The Occidendal Platform
The Occidendal Platform is a think tank associated with The Occidendal Studies Applied Research Center in Istanbul Aydın University.
Küçükçekmece City Council
Küçükçekmece City Council was established in order to develop the awareness of urbanity in our society and to ensure a culture of reconciliation by adopting it by its individuals, to produce projects in which both the city and the people of the city can continue their development by protecting the cultural identity and moral values without denying the universal values. At the same time, contributing to the transformation of Küçükçekmece into a modern environment, presenting the disciplines that make up a modern city to the institutions it is related to, being an environment where human relations, environmental awareness and social life are realized at the highest level, by acting in coordination with, non-governmental organizations, professional chambers and thought platforms.
It is a volunteer nongovernmental organization founded in 1971, by Turkish Industrialists and Businesspeople, in order to represent business world.
Institute of International Economic Relations (DEİK)
Institute of International Economic Relations, to examine the economic, commercial, industrial and financial relationships between Turkey and foreign countries, and helping to setting up these relationships and developing them.
Information Age Private Educational Institutions Association (BİLGİDER)
BİLGİDER, which was established to promote the importance of private education institutions in the Turkish education system and to support the formation of trained individual resources by providing quality education opportunities to each individual in cooperation with public institutions and organizations, plays an active role in raising and developing the quality of education in today’s private education with its 300 member institutions throughout Turkey.

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Istanbul Aydin University Chairman of the Board of Trustees / BIL Holding and BIL Education Institutions Chairman of the Board of Directors / Cyprus Science University Honorary President

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