Bil Educational Institutions

BİL Holding Inc. was established in 1994 by academics and business people who were aware of their social responsibilities, adapt quickly to the changing dynamics of the age and believe that Turkey’s largest capital is the educated workforce, of which BİL Holding has been one of the first building blocks.

Having adopted the “total quality” policy and achieved many successes in a short time with its services, BİL Holding Inc. acted with the principles of “being self-sufficient” and “investing what’s earned from education into education again” and enhanced its field of activity by adding new branches to its body which are in line with its needs. In due course, new links have been added to the chain of investments that started under the locomotive of BİL Holding Inc., which adopts a strong, dynamic, innovative, and productive management practice and believes in the dominance of information.

BİL Holding has also included BİL-Form Printing, Bilder Advertising Agency, EK-BİL Printing, BİL Publishing, BİL Informatics, BİL Logistics, BİL Aydın Publishing, and BİL data institutions, respectively.

BİL Private Teaching Institutions, the first branch of which was established in 1994 in Istanbul-Beşiktaş Barbaros Boulevard with 11 classrooms and reaching more than 650 offices throughout our country, continued its activities by “making a difference in education” until the transformation in private teaching institutions in 2012.

Comprehensive, reliable, and good-quality content within the framework of the “Complete Learning Model”, which was prepared with a learning code and based on learning outcomes, was delivered to millions of students with BİL Publishing, which was founded in 1998, Can Publishing, which was founded in 2001, and Pergel Publishing, which was founded in 2008.

Turkey’s first digital learning kit BİL IQ, which was offered between 2000-2010, CD sets covering the topics taught in unique methods by the best teachers in the real classroom environment were included in the kits, and students were given the opportunity to watch and learn every topic repeatedly.

BİL Educational Institutions, having assimilated the total quality policy and achieved many successes in a short time with its services, acted with the principles of “being self-sufficient” and “investing what’s earned from education into education again”, and has enhanced its field of activity throughout 27 years by adding new branches to its body.

In line with the intense demands from the education sector, BİL continues its culture of success with its BİL Course brand and more than 30 offices in the 2021-2022 academic year. Continuing on its way with the academic support of Istanbul Aydın University and Cyprus Science University, which have been deemed worthy of many awards with their qualified studies in national and international spheres, which educate world citizens, BİL Course advances its primary activities throughout Turkey. BİL rapidly increases its success, target, and motivation-oriented activities at the point of exam preparation, and continues its activities with technology-supported, competitive success, and high equipment understanding.


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Istanbul Aydin University Chairman of the Board of Trustees / BIL Holding and BIL Education Institutions Chairman of the Board of Directors / Cyprus Science University Honorary President

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