İspanya Ulusal Ajans Toplantısı

tarihinde yayınlandı Duyuru, Istanbul Aydin University

İspanya Ulusal Ajans (SEPIE) Başkanı Pablo Martin Gonzalez ve heyeti ile EAIE Konferansı esnasında görüşen Dr. Mustafa AYDIN ve heyeti birçok başlık altında görüşmeler gerçekleştirdi. Görüşmeler çerçevesinde; SEPIE’nin EURIE’ye işbirlikçi Partner olarak İspanyol Üniversiteleri ile birlikte katılması ve ortak projelerin uygulanması konusunda işbirliğine varıldı.


Meeting with Spanish National Agency President

Dr. Mustafa AYDIN and his Delegation met with the President of Spanish National Agency, Pablo Martin Gonzalez and his Delegation during the EAIE Conference and held talks in many different subjects. Collaborations on mutual projects will be initiated and SEPIE will support and attend in EURIE Summit together with Spanish Universities and will be the collaborative partner of EURIE 2018.



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Istanbul Aydin University Chairman of the Board of Trustees / BIL Holding and BIL Education Institutions Chairman of the Board of Directors / Cyprus Science University Honorary President

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