Istanbul Aydın University President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın came together with IAU Medical Faculty 2022-2023 academic year alumni. IAU Rector Prof. Dr. Yadigar İzmirli, Vice Rectors, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Vice Deans, Chief Physician of IAU Florya VM Medicalpark University Dr. Ergün Eskioğlu, hospital administration and all alumni attended to the alumni breakfast meeting.

IAU Medical Faculty new alumni expressed their feelings and thoughts about their education journey at IAU. Congratulating alumni one by one at the end of the event, Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın wished success to them for their upcoming specialization exam.

The welcoming ceremony was held on campus for the Istanbul Aydın University Karate Team, which returned to our country with the title of European Champion by winning two championships, 1-second place and two third places in the European Universities Combat Championships organized by European University Sports Association (EUSA) and attended by 41 universities.

At the European Universities Championships held at Zagreb this year, our student Kutluhan Duran represented Istanbul Aydın University became the “European Champion” in individual kata competition. IAU students Çağla Eser, Dicle Beyazıt and Gülşah Uyumaz competed in the Kumite Women’s Team.

Minister of Trade Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat attended to Türkiye Exporters Assembly Extended Board of Presidents Meeting.

In his speech at the meeting, Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat said, “We handled the steps can take, sector by sector, together with our exporters in order to increase the share of our country in world exports and to earn additional foreign currency for our country.  What we do in this direction is the guarantee of what we will do. The continuation of the support provided by our Ministry to our sectors will be the key to our success.”

Service Exporters’ Association (HIB) Vice President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın also attended the meeting and shared problems of the service export sectors and solution offers with Minister Ömer Bolat.

Service Exporters’ Association July board meeting was held. Board members made evaluations about effective solution offers for the current problems of the sectors.

“Service Exporters’ Association Extended Evaluation Meeting” was held with the participation of Minister of Trade Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat and sector committee members in the Foreign Trade Complex. In addition, they discussed the sectoral problems and solution offers.

HIB Vice President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın mentioned the activities of HIB in his speech at the meeting, “The importance of our service export is crucial for our country. In this context, what we did is the guarantee of what we will. Increasingly continuation of the support provided by our Ministry to our sectors will be the key to our success.” He said. At the end of his speech, he expressed his thanks to Minister of Trade  Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat for his participation and shared success wishes on his new duty.

Küçükçekmece City Council board meeting was held on 2023, July 4 via “zoom”.

Evaluating previous term works, ideas on planned works for the next term activities were shared in the meeting.

Turkish Anti-Smoking Association July board meeting was held online.

“True Friends of Humanity Award Ceremony” and its ongoing action plans and activities were on the agenda. Aforementioned ceremony will hosted by İstanbul Aydın University.

UFRAD July board meeting was held on 2023, July 4 via zoom. Among the items of the agenda were evaluation of membership applications and revision of previous board meeting minutes. UFRAD past and future planned activities were shared to all board members.

All board members discuss the current sector developments as they do each meeting. Ongoing activities and work plans were also discussed. The meeting ended with wishes and requests.

COPPEM Presidency Council and General Assembly was held. Presidency Council gathered before General Assembly, reviewed the preparations and evaluated the next term activities and projects of COPPEM. After that, at the General Assembly, ideas on cultural activities and equal opportunities were mentioned, previous-term activity reports were evaluated.

At the COPPEM – European Mediterranean Local and Regional Authorities Partnership Committee – Presidents Council and General Assembly Meeting held on 27 June 2023, the projects and suggested activities brought to the agenda by Istanbul Aydın University President and COPPEM Board Member Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, were evaluated. The following articles were all unanimously resolved by all COPPEM members.

1. The member countries of COPPEM should host at least one event each year that takes the pulse of current and world problems,

2. Organizing a special conference on illegal immigration and the problems of immigrants,

3. Organizing training programs in different, up-to-date fields that produce solutions to the world’s problems in each COPPEM country; launching the first program in Türkiye,

4. To implement intercity diplomacy much more effectively,

5. Contributing to the organized crime and terrorism conference to be held in October, with the academic dimension of the subject, with 2 law academicians from Istanbul Aydin University,

6. The results of the democratic elections last month in Türkiye and in Greece yesterday will contribute to the establishment of more productive and close relations between both countries and COPPEM members,

7. COPPEM, which has always embraced the work of the local governments of our region and their social, cultural and economic development by producing projects and useful models together, with an understanding about all politics; Evaluating the membership requests from Libya positively, regardless of region and city,

8. Hosting all the European-Mediterranean Region Local Authorities, Mayors and Governors in Istanbul with the COPPEM General Assembly to be hosted by Istanbul Aydın University in December with an international COPPEM Conference.

Istanbul Aydın University (IAU) “Motivation and Evaluation Meeting” was held in Marmaris with the participation of academic and administrative staff. At the meeting held at the end of the event that lasted 3 days, comprehensive evaluations about the new term projects and activities.

Listening one by one the ideas of the participants, Istanbul Aydın University President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın thanked those who contributed to the successful completion of the motivation meeting and the academic and administrative staff participated in the meeting.

“HİB Education Services Committee June Meeting” was held under the presidency of Service Exporters’ Association Vice President and Education Services Committee President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın and with the participation of representatives of many universities. At the online meeting, evaluations on practices in international student recruitment were made and current problems and solution offers were discussed.


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Istanbul Aydin University Chairman of the Board of Trustees / BIL Holding and BIL Education Institutions Chairman of the Board of Directors / Cyprus Science University Honorary President

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