The 24th Ordinary General Assembly meeting of the Türkiye Anti-Smoking Association (TSSD) was held under the chairmanship of Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, President of the TSSD. During the meeting, new members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board for the new term were elected.

In this context, Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın made the following statements: “I wish success to our colleagues who have been assigned to their duties. We will continue to take stronger steps in the fight against the health and societal harms of smoking. Let’s continue working together for a healthy future!”

“The Real Friends of Humanity Award Ceremony” held regularly every year by Turkish Anti-Smoking Association (TSSD) was held at Istanbul Aydın University. At the ceremony conducted 24th, institutions and individuals who implemented successful practices in the fight against the harms of smoke and smoke products were rewarded. Many valuable representatives from business, art, politics, academia and NGOS attended the ceremony where those who made the most contributions to the fight against smoking for all year were rewarded.

2023 The Real Friends of Humanity Special Award was presented to İstanbul Governor Davut Gül at the ceremony held at Istanbul Aydın University Social Sciences Campus Full General Necdet Timur Oditorium. Presenting his award to Gül, TSSD President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın said “Thanks to our esteemed Governor, on all sides of our İstanbul, all public areas as parks and beaches, have been cleared of smoke and smoke products, exemplarily for our other cities. We express our gratitude to him.”

Turkish Anti-Smoking Association (TSSD) November Board Meeting held in Carousel AVM hosted by Tavada Tavuk Executives Akın Gürbüz and İlhan Yılmaz. In the meeting, evaluations on “The True Friends of Humanity Award Ceremony” which will be conducted in December were made and new projects were planned.

Turkish Anti-Smoking Association September Board Meeting was held hosted by TSSD President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın. At the meeting held as a breakfast, activities during the year were on the agenda. Evaluating the preparations of “True Friends of Humanity Award Ceremony”, action plans were reviewed.

Turkish Anti-Smoking Association July board meeting was held online.

“True Friends of Humanity Award Ceremony” and its ongoing action plans and activities were on the agenda. Aforementioned ceremony will hosted by İstanbul Aydın University.

Turkish Anti-Smoking Association (TSSD) President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın made statements about “31th May Stop Smoking Day”. In this context, Aydın emphasized the negative effects on health of electronic cigarettes which are offered as an alternative to quit smoking by the cigarette industry and underlined that people are exposed to misdirections.

Turkish Anti-Smoking Association (TSSD) President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın said “Electronic cigarettes which are offered as an alternative to people who want to quit smoking cause huge danger for both our own health and community health care. Such cigarettes are encouraged by the cigarette industry, claiming that they are ‘less harmful’. This is misguiding and misleading people.”

Turkish Anti-Smoking Association (TSSD) General Assembly was held in Istanbul Aydın University under the presidency of TSSD President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın. In the meeting, evaluations on annual report and budget planning were made. After, the new period of directors and supervisory board selections were made.

After the speeches of Council Committee and Board Members, President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın said “I would like to thank all my friends with whom we have been fighting together with great devotion since 1999 for the health of our society, for our youth to have clean tomorrows and for the future of our country. I would like to congratulate the new directors and supervisory board members who were assigned to the 23rd Ordinary General Assembly.”

Turkish Anti-Smoking Association November Board Meeting was held under the presidency of TSSD President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın. At the meeting which held as online via Zoom, activities for “20th November World Smoking Boycott Day” were planned. Evaluations about previous and next period projects were also made and preparations of “Real Friends of Humanity award Ceremony” were discussed.

Türkiye Sigarayla Savaş Derneği (TSSD) Genel Başkanı Doç. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, TRT Radyo 1’de yayınlanan Gün Ötesi programına konuk oldu.

Programda sigaranın insan vücuduna olan zararlarını dinleyicilerle paylaşan Aydın, çocuklara olan zararları üzerinde ayrıca durdu ve yeni nesilleri sigaradan uzak tutabilmek adına neler yapılabileceğini anlattı. Sigaranın genetik aktarım ve hamilelik ile çocuklara verdiği zararları vurgulayan Doç. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, “Sigara kullanmayan insanlar ise pasif içiciler hâline gelmekte ve temiz hava hakları gasp edilmektedir.” dedi.

TSSD Genel Başkanı Doç. Dr. Mustafa Aydın; ayrıca TSSD’nin yapmış olduğu çalışmalardan ve sigarayla savaşta önem taşıyan toplumsal kurallardan bahsederek, sigarayla savaş sürecinde ‘yasaklama’nın değil, ‘bu konuda bir kültür oluşturma’nın önemli olduğunu belirtti.


Turkish Anti-Smoking Association Chairman Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın was a guest on program “Gün Ötesi” broadcast on TRT Radio 1.

Sharing the harms to human body of smoking with the audiences Aydın, especially dwelled on harms to children and he explained what can be done to keep new generations away from smoking. Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın emphasized the harms to children through genetic transfer and pregnancy and said that “Nonsmokers become the passive smokers and their fresh air rights are seizing.”

In addition, referring also the works of TSSD and the social rules that matter in fight against smoking TSSD Chairman Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, stated that ‘making a culture on this point’ is important, not ‘prohibition’ in the fight against smoking process.

Türkiye Sigarayla Savaş Derneğinin (TSSD) Temmuz Ayı Yönetim Kurulu toplantısı, çevrim içiolarak gerçekleştirildi. Toplantıda bir önceki birleşimin kararları değerlendirilerek, gelecek dönemdeki projeler hakkında görüş alışverişinde bulunuldu. Ayrıca 20 Kasım Dünya Sigarayı Bırakma Günü için gerçekleştirilecek faaliyetlerin hazırlıkları paylaşılarak, yapılan planlamalar gözden geçirildi.


Turkish Anti-Smoking Association July board meeting was held online. Evaluating the resolutions made in the previous meeting, views were exchanged on the projects in the future. In addition, sharing the preparations of activities for “20 November the World Smoking Boycott Day”, the plans were reviewed.


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Istanbul Aydin University Chairman of the Board of Trustees / BIL Holding and BIL Education Institutions Chairman of the Board of Directors / Cyprus Science University Honorary President

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