The “Education Services Sector Agency Workshop” organized by the Education Services Committee of the Service Exporters Association (HİB) was held with significant participation. The workshop, chaired by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Vice President of the HİB Board of Directors and Chairman of the Education Services Committee, with the participation of Tarık Sönmez, Director General of International Service Trade at the Ministry of Trade, and Dr. Fatih Özer, Secretary General of the Association, aimed to evaluate the views and suggestions of universities and agencies operating in the education services sector.

During the workshop, the views and suggestions of universities and agencies operating in the education services sector were evaluated. Important assessments were made regarding the current state of the sector and strategies for the future, with solution proposals presented. Participants agreed that strengthening the cooperation between universities and agencies would significantly contribute to the sector. The need to resolve sectoral issues and take steps to establish a healthier structure was also emphasized.

The workshop highlighted the significant economic potential of the education services sector. This year, educational exports reached $2.1 billion, with expectations for them to increase to $2.4-2.5 billion by 2025. Turkey ranks 10th globally in terms of foreign student numbers, and it was emphasized that increasing the country’s brand value is key to boosting its revenue rankings. The need to support the branding process of universities and strengthen the role of agencies in the sector was underlined.

The workshop concluded with solution proposals aimed at building a stronger foundation for the sector. The importance of strengthening Turkey’s position in the international education services market was emphasized, not only for economic reasons but also for cultural and diplomatic opportunities. In this new phase, it was stressed that all stakeholders must work together to achieve common goals.

The December meeting of the Education Services Committee of the Service Exporters Association (HİB) was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Vice President of the HİB Board of Directors and President of the Education Services Committee. The meeting was attended by Tarık Sönmez, General Manager of International Services Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Dr. Fatih Özer, Secretary General of HİB, and committee members.Before the Education Services Sector Agency Workshop, the meeting focused on strategic steps that need to be taken to strengthen Turkey’s global power in the field of education. Participants offered valuable ideas and suggestions to enhance the contribution of the education sector in international service trade.

Education was emphasized as the most important investment for the future, and the meeting shed light on the collective steps to be taken to build a stronger future. All participants who contributed to the meeting were thanked.

The November meeting of the Education Services Committee of the Service Exporters Association (HİB) was held under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Vice President of HİB and President of the Education Services Committee.Strategic roadmaps were established to enhance the global visibility of the country’s strength in education.

Chaired by HIB Educational Services Committee President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, the meeting brought together members who shared valuable insights and contributions regarding the future of the education sector. A unified determination to build a stronger future was evident throughout the discussions.

The meeting reiterated the importance of the education sector as the greatest investment in the future, emphasizing the critical role of the committee in this process.

The Education Services Committee of the Service Exporters’ Association (HIB) held its September meeting under the leadership of Committee Chairman Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın. The meeting focused on the details of the agency accreditation process, emphasizing key criteria. Strategic steps were outlined with a shared roadmap aimed at raising standards in higher education and enhancing service quality. Following this, current efforts were evaluated, and plans for future projects were discussed.

The expanded May meeting of the HIB Educational Committee, chaired by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Vice President of the Service Exporters’ Association (HİB) and Chairman of the Educational Services Committee, was held with the participation of representatives from member universities.

During the meeting, discussions focused on the challenges universities face in recruiting international students, and various solution proposals were evaluated.

The Education Services Committee of the Service Exporters Association (HİB) and within the framework of the HİB Sustainability Action Plan Strategy Study, a Focus Group Meeting was organized. Chaired by Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, Vice President of the HIB Board of Directors and Chairman of the Education Services Committee, the meeting aimed to facilitate productive discussions to determine strategic steps for the future of the sector and sustainability. Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın emphasized, “We continue to progress by strengthening our efforts to support sustainability.”

November Meeting of Education Services Committee of Service Exporters’ Association which operates under the umbrella of Turkish Exporters Assembly was held on 21th November 2022 in Dış Ticaret Kompleksi.

HİB General Secretary and committee members attended the meeting which held under the presidency HİB Vice President and HİB Education Services Committee President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın. At the meeting, international activity plans for 2023, current problems and solution offers in the international student recruitment process were evaluated. Ideas were exchanged and short and medium-term action plans were emphasized in the meeting. In addition, a presentation was made by BMI officials attending the meeting.


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Istanbul Aydin University Chairman of the Board of Trustees / BIL Holding and BIL Education Institutions Chairman of the Board of Directors / Cyprus Science University Honorary President

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