The 2023-2024 academic year graduation ceremony of Istanbul Aydın University (IAU) was held on June 29-30, 2024. The ceremony was attended by IAU Deputy President Dr. Halit Fatih Aydın, IAU Rector Prof. Dr. İbrahim Hakkı Aydın, administrative and academic staff, parents, and graduating students.

IAU President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, who attended the ceremony online, addressed the graduates with the following message: “As we complete the 2023-2024 academic year, we are all experiencing the indescribable pride and happiness of presenting our 19th graduates today. As the IAU Family, we have come together to celebrate the graduation of our esteemed graduates, each of whom is a success story. Dear young people, our future leaders! You are not only the leaders of today but also of tomorrow. We believe that with the knowledge, skills, and values you possess, you will make great contributions to our society. We are confident that you will overcome any challenges you may face in this new chapter of your lives. Please know that as IAU, we will always be by your side and our doors will always be open to you. Our university will always remain your home, and we will be there for you whenever you need us. Following your successes and supporting you in your new journeys will be a source of great happiness and pride for us. Dear graduates, as we send you off into the future like fireflies, I wish you all success and happiness. May your paths be bright, and may God bless you. I kiss you all on the forehead and say that we are so proud of you.”

In this context, over the course of two days, more than 6,500 IAU students experienced the joy of graduation. At the end of the ceremony, the 2023-2024 academic year graduates of IAU took their first steps into their new lives. IAU Rector Prof. Dr. İbrahim Hakkı Aydın stated, “Today, as the IAU Family, we are experiencing the excitement of sending off our 19th graduates with great pride and happiness. On the second day of our graduation ceremony, we share the joy of graduating the future leaders, innovative thinkers, and successful professionals. We congratulate all our graduates and wish them a future full of success. May your future be bright!” Subsequently, the graduation ceremony, which consisted of four sessions, concluded with great enthusiasm from the IAU students.

The June boardmeeting of Istanbul Aydın University (IAU) was held. The meeting was attended by the President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, and the executive team.

During the meeting, evaluations were made on the activities for the 2023-2024 academic year. Additionally, new term projects were discussed, and plans were reviewed. In this context, there was an exchange of ideas on current issues and proposed solutions.

The certificate ceremony of the Cinema and Film Academy, conducted in partnership with IAU-MEDYAPIM, was held. The ceremony was attended by the President of Istanbul Aydın University (IAU), Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın.

Additionally, MEDYAPIM Chairman of the Board Fatih Aksoy, Dean of IAU Faculty of Fine Arts Prof. Dr. Özer Kamburoğlu, and esteemed IAU academics joined the young certificate recipients on their happy day.

The June meeting of the Istanbul Aydın University (IAU) Western Platform was held. The Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), Prof. Dr. Numan Kurtulmuş, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, attended by Istanbul Aydın University administrators and academics, a productive discussion was held on Turkey’s constitution. Prof. Dr. Numan Kurtulmuş shared detailed information about the current state of the constitution and future changes. He emphasized the importance of constitutional reforms being embraced by broad segments of society and conducting this process transparently with the participation of stakeholders. IAU President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, expressed his gratitude to Prof. Dr. Numan Kurtulmuş for his participation.

As part of the “One Day a Week University Student” project implemented in collaboration with the Anadolu Education and Culture Foundation and Istanbul Aydın University (IAU), young people with special needs attended classes with students at IAU for one year.

In this context, AKEV President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın and Vice President Elif Aydın met with students and their families at the end-of-term dinner. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, President of IAU, expressed his gratitude to everyone who contributed to this meaningful project.

The expanded May meeting of the HIB Educational Committee, chaired by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Vice President of the Service Exporters’ Association (HİB) and Chairman of the Educational Services Committee, was held with the participation of representatives from member universities.

During the meeting, discussions focused on the challenges universities face in recruiting international students, and various solution proposals were evaluated.

In a ceremony attended by Istanbul Topkapı University ITU President Nihat Kırmızı, Vice President Nabi Kırmızı, Rector Prof. Dr. Emre Alkin, and Secretary General Dr. Bora Gündüzyeli, Istanbul Aydın University President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın was awarded the title of “Professor.”

With this recognition, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın achieved yet another milestone in his distinguished career. All attendees of the program extended their congratulations to him.

The Western Platform meeting, organized in collaboration with the T.R. Prague Embassy and the Istanbul Aydın University (IAU) Western Studies Application and Research Center, was held with the participation of IAU President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, Czech Republic Ambassador at the Prague Turkish Embassy, former EU Minister and Chief Negotiator Dr. Egemen Bağış, and former Czech Republic EU Minister and Commissioner Štefan Füle.

In his speech at the meeting, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın said, “Our meeting on ‘Global Conflicts and Educational Diplomacy’ once again highlighted the importance of education in international relations. Education has become an element that determines the fate of not only individuals but also societies. Expanding education in conflict areas and strengthening educational diplomacy will lay the foundations for a more just and sustainable peace worldwide. Let us not forget that education not only imparts knowledge but also brings people together and gives hope. It is in our hands to build the future. We express our gratitude to T.R. Prague Ambassador Dr. Egemen Bağış for his hospitality.”

Istanbul Aydın University (IAU) has signed a MOU with Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, one of the world’s oldest universities, established in 1348.

In this context, IAU President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın stated, “With the academic and cultural student and staff exchanges that will take place, along with joint research projects, we aim for stronger collaboration in the scientific field. We are progressing together towards greater achievements! We extend our thanks to Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Eva Voldřichová Beránková for her hospitality.”

On the fourth day of his visit to Azerbaijan, Istanbul Aydın University President Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın participated in the “Seher’s Status” program on Space TV. During the program, they discussed the relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan and the latest developments in education, sharing common visions and future perspectives. In this context, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın made the following remarks:

“Aiming for excellence in higher education, scientific research, and contributions to science, we visited Odlar Yurdu University, one of Azerbaijan’s leading universities internationally recognized. We had a productive meeting regarding educational collaborations with my dear friend, the Founding Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmed Valiyev, and Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Samir Valiyev. We continue to take steps to further strengthen educational cooperation between the two countries. We extend our gratitude for their excellent hospitality. As Istanbul Aydın University, we have signed a comprehensive cooperation protocol with Azerbaijan Technical University, one of Azerbaijan’s leading universities. This partnership will open new horizons in education and research, contributing to mutual development through the sharing of knowledge and experience. We also thank Rector Prof. Dr. Vilayat Valiyev for his hospitality.”

Following the program, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın visited Odlar Yurdu University, one of Azerbaijan’s leading universities, where he had a meeting with the Founding Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmed Valiyev and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Samir Valiyev to discuss educational collaborations and strengthening educational partnerships between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

A comprehensive cooperation protocol was signed between Azerbaijan Technical University, one of Azerbaijan’s leading universities, and Istanbul Aydın University. Expressing their aim to open new horizons in education and research fields and contribute to mutual development through knowledge and experience sharing, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın, the President of IAÜ, thanked Prof. Dr. Vilayat Valiyav, the Rector of Azerbaijan Technical University, for their hospitality.

Subsequently, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın visited Khazar University, a member of the Eurasian Universities Union (EURAS), and met with the students. In his speech during the meeting, he highlighted the following points:

“Today, we came together with Khazar University students to address an important topic on innovation and leadership in education. Education is the cornerstone of society and the shaper of the future. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to emphasize innovative thinking and leadership qualities in education. Innovation is an indispensable tool for transformation and progress in education. With the discovery of new technologies and pedagogical approaches, more effective and diversified methods can be developed in the education process. It is inevitable to use innovative applications to capture the interest of our students and make the learning process more effective. However, the effective implementation of innovation is closely related to leadership. Leadership in education relies on a visionary perspective, bold decision-making, and a collaborative approach. Good leaders share their vision, motivate people, and give them courage. However, it must be remembered that success is not only individual but also team-based. A good leader encourages teamwork, allows everyone to utilize their strengths, and unites differences. Leadership in education is the art of ensuring this unity. We wish all our principals success on their challenging journey as educators and leaders, and we thank Principal Gönül Tahmezova of 7th High School for their wonderful hospitality.”

On the final day of his Azerbaijan visit, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın took significant steps towards strengthening educational and academic collaborations, engaging in various meetings in this context.


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Istanbul Aydin University Chairman of the Board of Trustees / BIL Holding and BIL Education Institutions Chairman of the Board of Directors / Cyprus Science University Honorary President

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