Services Exporters’ Association (HİB) Vice President and Education Services Committee President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, within the scope of visiting Venezuela with the committee under the presidency of T.R. Minister of Commerce Dr. Mehmet Muş, a series of meeting with Venezuela Vice President and Minister of Science, Technology, Education and Health Gabriela Jimenez, Minister of Tourism Ali Ernesto Padron Paredes, Minister of Communications Ramon Velasques and Investment Agency Presidents.

Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın noted that important information was shared about the export of education in the meeting with the ministries and mentioned that the meetings were exceedingly fruitful.

Under the presidency of T.R. Minister of Commerce Dr. Mehmet Muş, with the participation of Venezuela Vice President Delcy Rodriguez and business people, the inauguration of “Türkiye-Venezuela Trade Delegation and B2B Meetings” was held.

Before opening speeches by holding a press conference, information about Turkish Airlines and Service Export was given to the press. In the meeting, Rodriguez drew attention to the level of trade volume between Türkiye and Venezuela, “Trade between Türkiye-Venezuela, exceeds 1 billion dollars! This shows how much our commercial relations have grown.”

Stating that the meeting with the Turkish business people strengthened the deep friendship between the two countries, Rodriguez said they will continue to work to maximize and develop the strategic cooperation unity.

HİB Vice President, Education Services Committee President and IAU President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, stating that in consequence of the meetings, important steps were taken in the field of education, mentioned that they met with the rectors and representatives of the 12 leading universities of Venezuela and made cooperation agreement in the different fields.

Visiting Venezuela under the presidency of T.R. Minister of Commerce Dr. Mehmet Muş; the HİB Committee consisting of Services Exporters’ Association and THY President Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bolat, HİB Vice President and Education Services Committee President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, HİB Board Member and Tourism Committee President Hediye Güral, HİB Treasurer Member Mehmet Erdoğan and HİB Board Member Fatih Volkan Kazova, had a series of contacts.

On the first day of visit, Ambassador to Caracas Naci Aydan was visited. After, the committee attended the dinner hosted by Caracas Embassy.

Istanbul Aydın University Management Meeting was held on 21th January 2023. Particularly IAU President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, IAU Rector Prof. Dr. Yadigar İzmirli, IAU Deputy President Dr. Halit Fatih Aydın, vice rectors, deans, directors of graduate schools and heads of departments attended the meeting.

In the meeting, the completed 2022 Fall Semester was evaluated and ideas within the scope of plans for the 2023 Spring Semester were exchanged.

The first meeting 2023 of Intellectual Thought Platform which operates under the umbrella of Istanbul Aydın University was held. The speaker of the meeting was Former Minister of National Defence and National Education Dr. İsmet Yılmaz.

In his speech titled “Political Changes” Former Minister of National Defence and National Education Dr. İsmet Yılmaz evaluated the political changes in Türkiye in terms of different fields. At the end of the meeting which a lot of politicians, businessmen, academicians and students attended, the representatives’ questions were answered and a plaque was presented to Minister by IAU President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın and IAU Rector Prof. Dr. Yadigar İzmirli.

The Premiere of Bozdağ Film’s new series Al Sancak which will be broadcast on TRT, was held at the Harbiye Military Museum. To the premiere with the participation of Communications Director Republic of Türkiye Prof. Fahrettin Altun and TRT General Manager Mehmet Zahid Sobacı, HİB Vice President and HİB Treasurer Member Mehmet Erdoğan also attended with the invitation of HİB Board Member and Bozdağ Film President Mehmet Bozdağ.

All series crew and casts, expressed their gratitude to Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Directorate of Communications and Turkish Armed Forces for the considerable support to the production which reflects the different dimensions of the military struggle.

The 20th session of conference series titled “HİB Interviews with Commercial Counsellors” that coordinated online by Service Exporters’ Association which operates under the umbrella of Turkish Exporters Assembly, was held on 18th January 2023 with the theme of “Kazakhstan”.

The online program, which started with the opening speech of HİB Vice President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın, continued with presentations of Astana Commercial Principal Consultant Yahya Baba, Astana Commercial Counselor Erk Oyal, Astana Commercial Attaché Ali Toksöz, Almati Commercial Attaches Sıddık Kaya and Ekrem Alper Bozkurt.

Including detailed information on service export in Kazakhstan in the presentations, import-export data of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan-Türkiye bilateral trade, Türkiye investments in Kazakhstan, service sectors and fairs subjects discussed. After the presentations, the questions from representatives of participating companies were answered.

Turkish Franchising Association Board Meeting was held on 12th January 2023. The meeting with the participation of UFRAD President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın and board members was held in J Club hosted by UFRAD Vice President Ahmet Polat.

Previous meeting declarations, plans and preparations for the future and new collaborations were evaluated at the meeting. Speaking UFRAD President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın in the meeting where ideas on sectoral developments were exchanged, summarized the current situation of the franchise sector in Türkiye and informed about the next periods of the sector.

Turkish Exporters Assembly Deputy President, Istanbul Mineral and Metals Exporters’ Association President and Hardware Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association President visited Istanbul Aydın University.

Mr. Çetin Tecdelioğlu was hosted by IAU President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın in his office, got information about internationalization works of Istanbul Aydın University. In addition, Aydın and Tecdelioğlu held a consultation about the projects on international students’ employment in industry sectors.

The management and enlarged consultation meeting of Service Exporters’ Association which operates under the umbrella of Turkish Exporters Assembly was held on 10th January 2023 at Foreign Trade Complex.

To the meeting which held under the presidency of HİB President Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bolat, T.R. Ministry of Trade International Services Trade Deputy General Manager Alperen Kaçar, HİB Vice President and Education Services Committee President Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın and committee members of all sub-sectors attended.

At the meeting in which 2022 year was evaluated; sectoral problems and solutions were discussed.


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Istanbul Aydin University Chairman of the Board of Trustees / BIL Holding and BIL Education Institutions Chairman of the Board of Directors / Cyprus Science University Honorary President

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